How To Control Your Insulin Levels With Ayurveda?

Diabetes is no longer a rare illness. Due to an imbalance in their hormonal production, one in ten people have high blood sugar levels. Diabetes can be handled easily and effectively even though it may be a life-threatening condition.

It should be identified and treated as soon as possible to avoid the condition getting worse and creating potential long-term health issues. This condition's evolution is influenced by several variables, such as lifestyle, activity level, and medicine. 

High or low blood sugar levels are viewed in Ayurveda as nothing more than a disruption of Vata production. A patient with diabetes must take a lot of insulin and other medications, which have additional adverse effects. Nevertheless, the blood sugar level is kept under control with a regular diet and Ayurvedic medications.

Let’s see how you can control your blood sugar levels with Ayurveda: 

1. Neem Leaves: The most often used component in Ayurvedic therapies is neem. The spermicidal, blood-purifying, antibacterial, antiseptic, and antifungal qualities of neem, also known botanically as Azadirachta indica, are prized.

Neem leaf aids in boosting blood glucose levels in diabetics, which increases the beta cells' capacity to produce insulin. The seeds and extracts from neem leave transport sugar throughout the blood vessels and give off energy. 

2. Cinnamon: The main plant used in Ayurvedic medicine to treat type II diabetes is cinnamon. The Cassia Cinnamon is the purest variety available. It has the unique ability to stimulate insulin activity, which controls the blood sugar level. 

3. Juice from a bitter gourd: There are several names for bitter melon, including karela, African cucumber, balsam apple, and ampalaya, but no matter where it grows, it always makes a unique contribution to the treatment of diabetes.

Apart from Polypeptide-p, Vicine, and Charatin, which have the potential to mimic human insulin and regulate blood sugar levels, bitter gourd also contains other nutrients and minerals.

Momordin, a different chemical, assists in controlling the metabolism of fatty acids and glucose, which again is essential for treating diabetes. 

4. Mango leaves: Naturally, mangoes are delightful, but mango leaves are also good for human health. Mango leaves are regarded as the key component in Ayurveda's treatment of diabetes because they contain molecules and substances that stimulate the body's production of insulin and so balance hormonal secretion. 

5. Bengal gram: Another fantastic food with great glucose intolerance is Bengal gram. Non-diabetics are recommended to lower their chance of developing diabetes. Chronic diabetics can benefit from it as well. 

6. Bitter melon: Because it includes charanti and polypeptide-p, two compounds that can naturally lower blood sugar levels, it is well known for its anti-diabetic qualities. 

7. Fenugreek seeds: Galactomannan, a substance found in fenugreek seeds, is believed to slow down digestion and lessen the absorption of carbohydrates. 

8. Indian gooseberry: Amla is known to control how well carbohydrates are absorbed. Amla's chromium content improves insulin sensitivity. It can be consumed uncooked or combined with bitter gourd and gooseberry to lower blood sugar and activate pancreatic cells. 

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9. Jamun: Due to jamun's advantages in managing insulin and boosting insulin production, consumption of jamun is strongly advised for diabetics. For diabetics, chewing four to five jamun leaves throughout the day can be beneficial. 

Also read : How Vitro Jamun Juice can control diabetes

 10. Bay leaf: It is a traditional Ayurvedic treatment for diabetes. Before meals, take a mixture of bay leaf, turmeric, and aloe vera gel to control blood sugar variations. 

11. Some other ways include: Due to the advantages copper has for your health, drinking water from copper containers has been recommended.

Experts in Ayurveda say that resurrecting this practice can improve the body's general health and reduce blood sugar swings.

It is advised to add a cup of water, let it sit overnight, and then drink it the next day. Along with that, you can add one part each of Guduchi, Kudki, Shardunika, and Punarnava to a herbal combination. Mix them, and consume them twice or three times daily with warm water. 

These are some ways you can reduce your insulin levels with the help of Ayurveda!

It’s time to take your diabetes seriously and take strict actions to prevent it. And what is better than Ayurveda?

Check out for some ayurvedic juices to start your sugar-free journey. 


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Ayurveda for Diabetes: A guide to Wellness

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