How Vitro Jamun Juice can control diabetes

Jamun fruit is also known as the “Fruit of the Gods,” and the mythology that surrounds it is that Lord Rama survived on Jamun during his exile in the forest. In Kerala,  these fruits are considered very 'prosperous'. Since the 1960s, numerous studies on animals have demonstrated that Jamun (both fruits and seeds) has promising activity as an anti-diabetic. In an Indian context, a 2011 survey conducted in Mangalore, Karnataka, revealed that consumption of these seed powder reduces fasting blood sugar levels. 

The Jamun fruit is a minor fruit of commercial value widely grown in India having different other names such as Indian black cherry, Ram Jamun black plum, etc. in different parts of the world. Its trees are usually tall and evergreen and are originally found in India,  and other places like Thailand, the Philippines, and Madagascar.  It is also found in subtropical nations such as  Florida, California, Algeria, Israel, etc.

Jamun Is Good for Diabetes

Jamuns having anti-diabetic properties helps to keep blood sugar levels under control. It converts starch into energy and maintains blood sugar levels, further increasing insulin activity and sensitivity. Proper consumption of this fruit will bring down blood sugar levels in both blood and urine. If you are a diabetic sufferer, you can truly enjoy this purple fruit this monsoon and keep your blood sugar levels in check. Not just the fruit, its seeds are also effective for diabetes control.

How to Consume Jamuns for Diabetes?

Jamun juice is one of the great options for you. Drink a glass of Jamun juice for breakfast to make a good start to the day. Fresh jamuns are always recommended for diabetics and can be consumed at any time. It can even stand to be your perfect evening snack. These fruit shakes and smoothies can also be a refreshing treat for you.

Other Health Benefits of Jamun

Along with a great taste, these fruits are filled with endless health benefits as well. This pulpy fruit will help you stay healthy in several ways. Some of them are as follows:

Improves hemoglobin count: Being a great source of vitamin C and iron, this fruit improves the count of hemoglobin. While iron functions as a blood purifier, the increased hemoglobin count enables your blood to carry more oxygen to the organs and keep your body healthy.

Keeps skin healthy: Jamun is enriched with astringent properties which safeguard the skin from blemishes, pimples, wrinkles, and acne. Further, the vitamin C content present in it helps to purify the blood, making your skin more radiant and glowing.

Boosts heart health: This pulpy fruit is a good source of antioxidant properties and minerals such as potassium, which are the great ingredients to keep heart diseases at bay. 

Helps with weight loss: Jamun, being a low-calorie fruit, is rich in fiber, which makes it a perfect weight loss combination. It moreover improves digestion and helps in lessening water retention in the body.

Improves gastric health: It helps to treat digestive disorders. The diuretic properties present in this fruit help to keep the body and digestive system cool and provide relief from constipation. 

Acts as an immunity booster: Jamun is filled with lots of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidant properties that help to bolster immunity and increase the stamina of your body.

Maintain oral health: Last but not the least, this wonder fruit has antibacterial properties that protect teeth from oral infection and bacteria. It is a great ingredient to strengthen teeth and gums and its leaves are astringent which are considered to be the best solution for throat problems.

Jamun is rightly known as the ‘Fruit of the Gods.’ A very beneficial fruit filled with minerals, vitamins, and nutrients that supports the body’s overall functioning. Put a portion of Jamun in your daily diet to do wonders for your body. 

Buy Vitro Naturals Jamun Juice for Diabetes


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