Ayurveda and Yoga: The Sisters Of Science!

Yoga is the practice of Ayurveda, which is the science of life. Both are inextricably linked to one another. They originated as a component of the great Vedic knowledge systems.

Yoga is based on the Yajur Veda, while Ayurveda is based on the Atharva Veda. Because Ayurveda and Yoga are intertwined, they cover a wide range of bodily healing techniques.

Ayurveda, on the one hand, rejuvenates the body, while Yoga focuses on the purification of the mind and consciousness. As a result, they complement and embrace one another. 

Using Ayurveda in conjunction with Yoga allows us to achieve total body and mind harmony and balance, allowing us to know our true self, which is one with all.

To improve their Yoga practice, all Yoga teachers should master the foundations of Ayurveda, and all Yoga students should seek Ayurvedic guidance. 

Yoga and Ayurveda help to naturally cure the body and mind. The notions of tridoshas (3 humours), dhatus (body tissues), and malas (diseases) are central to Ayurveda (waste eliminated from the body).

All of these things must be in harmony for our body and mind to be healthy. The body and mind are harmed if their constitution is disturbed, resulting in pathogenesis. Yoga emphasises mental clarity. It expands on the concept of the trigunas (three qualities): Satva (balanced and clear), Rajas (restless), and Tamas (lethargic).

Through various asanas practices and mindful therapies, yoga sheds light on the mind's orientation. At this time, an integrative approach combining Ayurveda and Yoga aids in the recovery of one's health. 

For example, if the Vata (air and space) dosha is out of balance, an individual may experience symptoms such as restlessness, worry, fear, insomnia, stress, and so on. Ayurvedic treatments such as Sarvanga abhyanga (full body massage) and Shirodhara are recommended (pouring medicated oil over the forehead).

When a patient receives these therapies, Yoga exercises, and guided meditations, the body heals quickly.

In general, certain dosha imbalances can be diagnosed and rectified by combining Ayurveda and Yoga. Yoga asanas (postures) are used to cleanse the nadis (channels).

However, attempting to do so without adhering to Ayurvedic principles (such as eliminating Ama, or digestive toxins) would be a waste of time. Because Ayurveda principles and Yogic practices are interrelated, most yoga schools have traditionally stressed the necessity of both. 

In terms of its understanding of the body and mind, constitution determination, disease theory and techniques of diagnosis, and treatment procedures that include nutrition, herbs, massage, and Pancha Karma, Ayurveda is a complete system of yogic medicine.

It incorporates all components of Yoga and meditation, especially as part of its psychiatric treatments. Ayurveda prescribes unique health regimens for individuals, including daily, monthly, and seasonal activities, as well as practices tailored to each stage of life from childhood to old age. 

Furthermore, Ayurveda aids us in comprehending the condition of Agni, or our biological flames, which begin with the digestive fire (jatharagni) and continue to the pranic fire, or fire of the breath, the intellect, and finally the fire of awareness that occurs in deep meditation.

Higher Yoga activities entail balancing and growing the various levels of Agni inside ourselves, which allows for greater sensitivity and awareness. Ayurveda, in particular, has a thorough understanding of Prana and its five subtypes, which govern energy movement in the body and mind.

Yoga asanas are manifestations of the five pranas as Udana (ascending movement), Apana (descending movement), Vyana (expanding movement), and Samana (contracting movement), with Prana overall as increasing energy. 

A regular Ayurvedic programme, which aids in body purification, can be extremely beneficial to yoga practitioners (sauca). Abhyanga (Ayurvedic self-massage) improves circulation, removes toxins and digestive impurities (ama) from the tissues, relaxes the muscles, and soothes the mind.

Yoga asanas and relaxation techniques boost blood flow to important organs and stimulate the relaxation response, both of which are beneficial to the digestive system and all other body systems. 

One of the most significant difficulties we face is the rise in medical needs and the consequently exorbitant costs. Ayurveda and Yoga practice ensures a pleasant and comprehensive outlook on life.

You can acquire a stress-free body and mind, resulting in a longer life. 


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