Amla Sharbat - The Perfect Summer Cooldown Drink For Your Family

Amla, also known as Indian gooseberry, is an essential component that is rarely utilised in Indian cuisine. The sour taste of the amla has been revered in Indian culture since Neolithic times, starting with amla murabba and chutneys.

Amla not only satisfies people's taste receptors but also has additional therapeutic benefits. Amla juice contains twenty times more vitamin C than any other citrus fruit.

It aids in the enhancement of immunity and metabolism, as well as the prevention of viral and bacterial infections. 

Do you know what amla juice can do for your health?

Iron, vitamin B complex, carotene, phosphorus, and calcium are all present. Amla's critical minerals and vitamins are necessary not just for our overall health, but also for preventing and managing some of the most frequent and pervasive ailments.

Let’s look at some ways amla sharbat helps us during the summer: 

  1. Helps in cooling down the body: When you're out in the heat, you'll want to obtain some cold water to cool down. However, keep tuned!

    Why not try amla juice, which has 20 times the amount of vitamin C as orange juice?

    Antioxidants are needed to protect against heat and light, and this vitamin boosts them. Amla juice also helps to keep the body cool. This acts as a shield, shielding you from harmful UV rays. 
  1. Boosting immunity: The astringent and antibacterial properties of amla help to boost one's immune system. When body cells use oxygen, they leave behind toxic by-products called free radicals, which cause a variety of health problems, including cancer.

    Because amla juice is a powerful antioxidant, it can help to prevent and repair the damage. 
  1. Skincare: Your skin will get dry and irritated during the summer. In the morning, drink amla juice with honey to make your skin glow. It also removes skin blemishes, acne, scars, and other imperfections.

    Amla also has anti-ageing properties. This is one of the most significant advantages of drinking amla juice during the summer. 
  1. Detoxifying properties: Amla is an excellent kidney tonic that also helps to improve the liver's function and defend it against infections. Amla juice contains antioxidants and polyphenols that help detoxify the liver and protect it from free radical damage.

    A healthy liver aids in the elimination of toxic poisons and substances from the body. 
  1. Prevents diseases: During the summer, the odds of dehydration and urinary tract infection are higher. You can get rid of a urinary tract infection by drinking 30 ml of amla juice twice a day.

    In the heat, drinking amla juice will help you avoid scorching urine. 
  1. Helps in weight management: Amla is an excellent weight-loss supplement since it boosts the body's metabolism and aids fat loss.

    It prevents fat accumulation by aiding appropriate digestion and absorption.

    Amla juice is high in antioxidants, which aid in the removal of toxins that cause fat accumulation in the tissues. 
  1. Good for women’s health: Amla is a powerful remedy for regulating women's reproductive cycles and treating illnesses like PCOS.
    It removes all harmful substances and aids in the preservation of healthy sexual organs.
    As a result, this is quite beneficial in terms of balancing hormones and improving fertility. 
  1. Good for hair quality: Amla is high in vitamins and minerals that help to nourish and strengthen hair follicles. These minerals help to prevent hair loss and promote hair growth.

    Amla also supports the safe growth of the scalp by promoting the formation of collagen and elastin.  

Include amla juice in your diet now that you're aware of its health benefits and the importance of drinking it during the summer. During the summer, drinking this super juice is the finest approach to keep your body cool and healthy.

Vitro Amla Sharbat is one of the best amla sharbat you'll find in the market. Before using it, give it a good shake. Combine 30ml Amla sharbat and 200ml cold water in a blender. To improve the flavour, garnish with mint leaves.

Buy Vitro Amla Sharbat today.