Aloe Vera & Its Amazing Benefits For Skin & Hair

Aloevera has dominated the world of beauty and skin care  for  years.  aloe vera has been classified as a miracle plant and has seamlessly integrated in our daily lives, From its leaves to stems every part of the plant has unbelievable healing properties. The plant is made up of 95% water and contains enzymes, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals.

Aloe Vera for skin 

Aloe Vera helps to block damage caused by the sun and is highly effective for healing sunburn, acne, dryness and dandruff. 

Getting raw aloe vera straight from the plant can be a hectic process. You can use Vitro Aloe vera gel which is made from 100% real aloe vera, cucumber extract and rosemary. While you must have your fair share of confusion if it's well suited for dry and oily skin, we are happy to let you know that YES, it is. 

It is extremely light in formulation and is suitable for all skin types. It also has anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic properties and helps to keep acne at bay. We recommend applying aloe vera gel three times a day on your acne spots. 

Aloe Vera for hair 

If you are suffering from itchy scalp, dullness and hair fall look no further and use aloe vera gel straight away! 

Aloe Vera helps to fight inflammation in the scalp and balances its pH level. The presence of folic acid, Vitamin B12 helps to prevent hairfall and hair thinning. The goodness of aloe vera lies in its deep conditioning properties. We recommend using Vitro aloe jojoba shampoo to keep your hair nourished, shiny and healthy! 

Make aloevera your best friend today to keep your hair healthy, shiny, and bouncy!


Also Read : 6 Amazing Benefits Of Aloe Vera For Hair And Skin!