6 Unbelievable Benefits of Amla ( Indian Gooseberry)

What comes first in your mind when you hear this word?  Amla? 

Then you are in the right way and if not then don’t worry we have everything that you need to know. This blog will help you know about Amla and its benefits. Let’s have a look

6 Significant Benefits of Amla:

1) Enhances Immunity:

According to Dr. Gargi Sharma who is a weight management expert "amla juice can be taken as a powerful home remedy to treat cough and flu as well as mouth ulcers". If you take two teaspoons of amla juice and an equal amount of honey every day (In the early morning) your body will be freed from cold & coughs.

2) A great deterrence against bacterial infections:

Amla contains 20 times more Vitamin C than an orange, it has double the cell reinforcement power as of acai berry and multiple times that of a pomegranate. No big surprise Amla is known as a superfood!

The Vitamin C substance of Amla makes it a magnificent wellspring of building your insusceptibility and digestion. That's why it helps us to build a giant wall of immunity against bacterial infections. 

It is known to battle both viral and bacterial infirmities effectively and diminishing the effect of different medical conditions such as disease and heart-related illnesses.

3) A great cure for constipation: 

Amla contains alkaline, that's why it clears our digestive systems and safeguard from unhealthy toxins. 

It is known to fight both viral and bacterial illnesses adequately and reduce the impact of various ailments such as infection and heart-related diseases.

Because amla also contains anti-inflammatory properties, therefore people use dried Amla Powder to cure hyperacidity and prevent stomach ulcers.

4) Helps to manage body weight:

If you are struggling with weight loss then you are not alone, "in India 135 million individuals were affected by obesity" (According to ICMR-INDIAB study 2015).

Here is how Amla can help you, Amla juice with a little amount of salt and pepper helps to curb your appetite as it keeps you full for longer durations. It also helps the body absorb nutrients and acts as a natural laxative due to its high fiber content. (Here is a detailed article upon Amla Juice written by  Dr.Vineeta Goel)

5) Purifies your blood: 

As we previously said amla has lots of vitamin C, which makes the blood vessels stronger and thicker. Amla acts as an antioxidant agent therefore it effectively detoxifies our body.

Amla powder blended in with a tablespoon of honey or jaggery can go as an extraordinary normal blood purifier and can expand your hemoglobin when taken routinely.

6) Helps Manage Chronic Conditions:

Nowadays humans are snug with Diabetes, Cholesterol, Cardiac problems, Cancer, etc. But the good news is amla can build a solid immunity that will protect you from this kind of chronic disease.

To see the best result in your body, add Amla the superfruit to your daily diet. 

You can consume Vitro Amla Sharbat and Amla Juice that is made with 100% natural Amalas. It contains no added preservatives, sugar, and alcohol. 

Consume 30 ml twice daily with water and observe your life change with the goodness of Vitamin C.


Also Read:

Best Amla Juice | Naturally Sourced Amla Juice From Vitro Naturals