It is normal to lose a few strands daily but if you are losing excessive hair from your scalp then it is a sign of trouble. Hair fall can be a result of hereditary, hormonal changes, medical conditions or normal part of aging.In this blog, we will be exploring a few leading reasons for hair fall.

1. Extreme stress: Did you know stress is a major deterrent to hair growth? The physical and mental stress living in a fast paced life make the hair follicles switch to resting mode from growth mode.

2. Hormonal changes: Hormonal imbalance is a major cause of hair loss in women. Women also notice a spike in hair fall after childbirth and the time period that precedes menopause. Hair loss after childbirth is linked to a decrease in oestrogen level.

3. Oil build up: Excess oil buildup on the scalp leads to blockage of hair follicles . It becomes difficult for the hair follicles to breathe which in turn makes them weak leading to hair fall.

4. Improper diet: Diets that deprive you of Nutrition can lead to hair fall. We recommend adding zinc and iron to your daily diet in order to reduce hair fall.

5. Lifestyle: Healthy lifestyle is equal to healthy hair. From the food that you consume to your sleeping pattern, hydration level and physical movement everything has an impact on the health of your hair. Habits like smoking, inadequate sleep stress, eating and healthy food disrupt the mechanism of the body which leads to hair fall.

To maintain your hair health, consume Vitro Amla Juice. It is made up of pure organic Amla, rich in vitamin C that prevents hair fall. Consume 60 ml twice a day for six months and notice a considerable reduction in your hair fall.


Also Read : Ayurvedic Herbs for Hair Care